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Should I Really Buy A AR-15

Short answer to this article is yes and no. No matter what political side you are on it is clear as the day sky that Biden has labeled AR-15 as assault rifles and wants them gone immediately. Just last week he had a speech about why these Quote on Quote military style weapons are dangerous in the civilian world (Even though there is proof that mass shootings and gang violence is usually committed with a handgun). So yes you should get an AR-15 so just in case they are banned you can hopefully get grandfathered in. But I don't think you should go out and buy one and here's why. In my experience building your own legal AR-15 is a lot more fun and cheaper. Even though it can be stressful, if you play your cards right it is well worth it in the end. If you don't know where to get started, there are lots of youtube videos out there to help you get on your feet.

(Tactical Queens And Kings Links)

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